About Cindy & Designed2Glow

My Mission: Building Brighter Futures for Kids
My mission is to help build brighter futures for kids through interactive story adventures. I strive to spark imagination, foster a love of discovery and learning, and instill faith-filled values. Here’s how it breaks down:
Children Are Valued
I am committed to advocating for every child's right to a joyful, educational, and spiritually enriching experience by empowering parents and teachers to be passionate storytellers in their communities. From the very start, I've been driven by a deep desire to uplift and inspire children, especially those facing tough challenges every day. They deal with heavy stuff like divorce, abuse, trafficking, illnesses, bullying, rejection, and disabilities that make life extra hard. These harsh realities keep me grounded and motivated to make a difference.
It's not just about crafting stories; it's about creating narratives that give these brave young souls moments of joy and adventure, along with a deep sense of their own worth and resilience. I want them to know, deep down, that they have the strength to rise above whatever life throws at them and become beacons of hope for others.
Children Belong
From throwing an "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" birthday party to setting up a Harry Potter scavenger hunt, I'm all about diving into reading adventures with kids. By turning stories into fun, real-world adventures, we're not just enjoying special moments with our kids; we're also creating a safe place for them to express themselves, learn new skills, and build their confidence.
Stories are great. But let's face it, engaging with our kids in a story adventure is priceless. So, in addition to writing for kids, I also offer parents easy-to-use resources and ideas on how to create fun, memorable, and meanintful reading and writing experiences.
Children Can Make a Difference
In Matthew 5:14, Jesus says, "You are the light of the world." We all have the ability to bring light and life into the lives of others, in big ways and small. Even kids can Go out and be the Light Of the World. Let's help our little ones grow their G.L.O.W. so they can make a huge impact on the world around them.
By diving into story adventures, we're not just enjoying special moments with our kids; we're helping kids grow into lifelong learners and kind, compassionate individuals. So, let's embark on these reading journeys together and light up the path to brighter futures.
Check out Designed2Glow’s blog for fun ideas on how to create fun family reading adventures, updates on my books, and even some fun giveaways.
Join me on Facebook for ideas on ways to enhance your family reading adventures, and share your own ideas as well. You’ll instantly be connected to a network of people who are dedicated to inspiring children around the globe.
Check out Designed2Glow’s blog for fun ideas on how to create fun family reading adventures, updates on my books, and even some fun giveaways.
Join me on Facebook for ideas on ways to enhance your family reading adventures, and share your own ideas as well. You’ll instantly be connected to a network of people who are dedicated to inspiring children around the globe.